US President Donald Trump reassures Americans - Free Thinking

US President Donald Trump reassures Americans

US President Donald Trump reassures Americans

US President Donald Trump gives Americans a promise to protect them and remind them that September 11 is a day when the whole world has changed and the Americans have known the magnitude of evil they face.

What does the US president mean?
Does he actually believe he is aware of what he is talking about?
Or is it an expression of the revival of these September 11 hijackers?
We are well aware of the extent of this evil and its severity and we are well aware that we are not far from it wherever we are and how we were, but unlike President Donald Trump we are well aware that we are all a cause in those tragedies and in those events extremism of all kinds is terrorism in particular Regardless of whether it is the extremism of ideas, religion, color or other things to which man is arrogant.

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